Thursday, December 10, 2009

The real Secret Policeman's Ball?

This time the performers are the "the art squad of the Ministry of People's Security." Better not be caught failing to clap hard enough for that performance:
A performance was given by the art squad of the Ministry of People's Security at the People's Palace of Culture Thursday.

It was appreciated by senior state officials, the chairman and chairperson of friendly parties, officials of ministries and national institutions and working people in Pyongyang.

Put on the stage were such colorful numbers as mixed chorus "We Longed to See the General", Oungum ensemble "The General Star Beyond the Clouds", trumpet and female solo "Soldiers Live Near the General", choral recitation "Long Journey for Devotedly Defending the Leader" and small chorus "May the Era of the Workers' Party of Korea Prosper."

The performers sang high praises of the Songun revolutionary leadership exploits General Secretary Kim Jong Il has performed by making a breakthrough towards victory in the drive for bringing about a new great revolutionary surge through his unprecedented forced march and truthfully represented the shining feats registered by the interior forces in the struggle for defending the outpost of the class struggle and the security of the socialist country and its people.

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