Sunday, November 11, 2007

Linkim 11/11/07

Haveil Havalim 140 is up! Carnival of the Insanities is up!

Daily Kos: "Sibel Edmonds Case: the untellable story of AIPAC" (Whistle-blower of past years promises new Concerto for Whistle and Media)

Judeosphere: "The Dentists Plot"

Simply Jews: "Rafsanjani the 'moderate' - not wanted by Interpol"

Norman Stone: "Storm Clouds Over Northern Iraq" (h/t: Martin Kramer)

Amir Taheri: "Haggling Over an Unwoven Carpet"

Notable posts from Haveil Havalim:

Backspin: "Jewish Refugees and the 'Right of Return'"

Treppenwitz: "A word (or two) about Rabin and Amir"

The Big Felafel: "Hebrish is one funny language"

Yisrael Medad: "Quite Unsportsman-like Behavior"

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