Saturday, January 27, 2007

Zionists develop idiocy ray

Judeopundit correspondents have just learned that Israeli military researchers have been testing a diabolical new weapon that reduces normal people to complete idiocy. In today's experimental firing, the idiocy ray was aimed at South Lebanon and then small green balloons were allowed to float across the border. Sure enough, local residents started puncturing the balloons and inhaling the contents. The scientists were stunned at the success of the test-firing and predict that when a new, more-powerful version of the ray is tested, Hizbullah followers will become completely immobilized as they attempt to snort the contents of car tires, basketballs, and other inflated objects. The idiocy ray also seems to have affected the output of Lebanese journalists. (Hat Tip: LGF)

Update: All the Helium has still not leaked out of this story.

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