Friday, January 12, 2007

Daily Kos: "These are the last days of peace (Iran-Syria-US War)"

I think anyone can submit a diary to Kos, but this one, from someone calling himself "NorthEasternJim," seems to exemplify a certain sub-strain of Kos-thinking and emoting:
I spend a lot of time alone, and in my quiet solitude I spend most of my [sic] I believe we are entering a serious place. And I believe we are about to live through a serious time.

The White House - angry at losing mid-term elections, angry at losing Iraq, angry at having the lowest public support of any US President in modern history (even lower then Nixon) - has decided that with nothing to lose they are planning to widen the war in the Middle East potentially starting a conflegation that can engulf us all [...]

A delusional president who has the lost the will of the people is now bent on impressing history with another war of folly. Unlike the last war fought against an impoverished and starving enemy, this is against two countries with real armies, real weapons, nuclear and chemical stockpiles, and the very real possibility of engulfing that region in flames that wil engulf us all.

Tonight, all around the world, machine gun rifles appear in the hands of soldiers. Pilots rush to their cockpits, and fire their engines. Tanks of war swivel their guns. Turrets fire up silently.

Soldiers open fire, and peace dies.
All across the world. All at once.
Peace dies.
It's just so depressing. If you want me, I'll be in my "quiet solitude."

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