Monday, October 16, 2006

Who knew? "Shiraz mentioned as the world second city of literature"

As I sometimes point out, I am not posting this to sneer at it. I find the slightly odd vagueness of these sorts of stories interesting somehow, but why shouldn't Shiraz be "mentioned as the world second city of literature"? From ISNA:
Iran's Fars Foundation director stated that it was likely that Shiraz would be recognized as the world's second city of Literature after Edinburgh.

Saeed Zahed went on to say that the Fars foundation was to follow up the issue seriously.

"Out of the three groups working on the matter, two groups have given us their results. We are waiting for the third group to finish before we can declare the results to the UNESCO," he said.

Also Jalil Sazegarnejad, the director of Hafizology center stated that after Edinburgh of Scotland, Shiraz was mentioned as the world's second city of literature in UNESCO.

"Now the UNESCO is after convincing the general assembly of this fact by certain proofs and docouments," he added.

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