Sunday, August 13, 2006

Linkim 8/13/06

Haveil Havalim 82 is up.

Steyn: "Pan-Islamism challenges idea of nation state"

Rolled-up Trousers: "Ware Responds"

Under Progress: "Muslim disagreement on the 'Party of God'"

Rashid Khalidi: "Hezbollah gaining strength where democracy once dwelt" (h/t: Martin Kramer)

Israel Matzav: "Explosive day of fighting in Lebanon"

AbbaGav: "Nasrallah's Top Ten Objections to the UN Delay-Fire Agreement"

Elder of Ziyon: "The most hypocritical people on Earth (Michael Béhé)"

Protein Wisdom: "BREAKING: 'Britain’s Al-Qaeda leader seized'"

Dar Al Hayat: "Smoking and the Israeli Cabal" (Note the reference to the Daniel Pipes as the man behind the Prophet Cartoons.)

ACN: "Harlem to Celebrate Fidel Castro's 80th Birthday" ("what is loved never dies . . .")

Step-by-Step: "Pres. Ahmadinejad trying to infect Israelis with web viruses?" (h/t: AbbaGav)

Jewish Worker: "Is the ceasefire DOA?"

Volokh Conspiracy: "In Which Publication and Which Year Was This Cartoon Printed?"

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