Friday, July 07, 2006

IRIB: "Flower of world of Islam weathering"

Its petals are Kassams . . .
Representative of the ruling Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Friday likened Palestine to flower of the world of Muslim and called on Muslims not to let the Zionist occupying regime to destroy the flower.

During a pre-sermon speech in Tehran Friday prayers ceremonies, Abu Osama said that the Muslim and defenseless Palestinian nation are suffering from the worst Zionist crimes, adding that the Zionist regime's forces are annihilating every thing and very one in their way.

"The wave of attacks occure before the eyes of those who pay no attention to more than ten thousand Palestinian captives languishging in the Zionist regiem's jails, but make a fuss following the capture of a Zionist soldier.

Osama stated that the recent attacks by the regime were aimed at bringing the Palestinian combatant nation to their knees and subvert their democrative government.
A combatant flower.
The Palestinian official asserted that the Zionist soldier will not be released free of charges, but in return for the freedom of Palestinian officials and meeting the demands of the Palestinian nation.
Speaking of flowers, I hope you got your wife flowers for Shabbos.

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