Sunday, July 09, 2006

Daily Star: Hizbullah risks loss of purity

This is probably not how you are used to viewing Hizbullah. By way of Muslim News (UK):
Many had hoped that as a newcomer, Hizbullah, with its reputation for honesty and integrity, would energize and invigorate a failing state. But one of the inherent dangers of power is its tendency to corrupt. Having joined the government, Hizbullah now risks joining the ranks of those described in Lebanese parlance as "cheese eaters" - those who scavenge on the state with the sole aim of carving out a piece of the pie for their sectarian communities . . .

Hizbullah's members, who are highly intelligent and motivated people, are surely capable of designing reform programs aimed at achieving this goal. They have proven their competence by generating proposals for economic and bureaucratic reform, but these ideas have only been circulated in specialized forums and have not been put forth to the Parliament or the public.

The current leaning of Hizbullah's weight in the direction of the status quo is a dangerous tendency. It is not enough for Hizbullah to simply participate in the dirty game that is Lebanese politics. The party's goal ought to be the transformation of the Lebanese state and the establishment of a clean, fair and efficient system of governance.
I wouldn't hold my breath.

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