Friday, July 21, 2006

A balanced assessment from Juan Cole

At his worst, Cole approaches Ward Churchill's level. Here he really hits bottom:
So let's get this straight. The Israelis warn the small town Shiites of the south to flee their own homes and go hundreds of miles away (and live on what? in what?). But then they intensely bombing them, making it impossible for them to flee. The Lebanese have awoken to find themselves cockroaches.

I repeat, this is nothing less than an ethnic cleansing of the Shiites of southern Lebanon, an assault on an entire civilian population's way of life. Aside from ecology, it is no different from what Saddam Hussein did to the Marsh Arabs of southern Iraq, and the Israelis are doing it for exactly the same sorts of reasons that Saddam did.

The economy of downtown Beirut has been murdered by the Israelis.
Just think: Cole was considered for a faculty position at Yale. (Hat Tip: Mere Rhetoric)

Update: Jewlicious makes the following great point, not in response to Cole particularly, but putting things into perspective:
Those are leaflets being dropped by the “disproportionate and indiscriminate” IDF warning residents of S. Lebanon villages to evacuate. Of course, Hizbullah fighters can also read which means that this advance warning to civilians puts IDF soldiers in greater jeopardy. Gosh, how disproportionate and indiscriminate.

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